Research and Innovation Center (RIC)

The Research and Innovation Center (RIC) of Kathmandu University School of Education (KUSOED) is the modified body of its Research Center, established long back. It aims to maintain quality assurance through research. Keeping the strength of KUSOED in the center, the RIC works in collaboration with the entire departments of the school to observe, evaluate and help in systematically mobilizing their overall activities. The central focus areas of RIC include as mentioned below:
  • Grant-seeking and proposal writing
  • Quality Accreditation and Standardization
  • Research Podcast/video/Talk Series
  • Academic Audit
  • Conducting seminars
  • Faculty/staff/students Exchange
  • Research Publication
  • Collaborative Writing workshops
Our Objectives
RIC will meet the action plan attached here.
Annual Report of RIC: [Click Here]
