DFC Project

About DFC Project

Locating Public Finance Dynamics in Education in Nepal

 Project Synopsis

Lead Institution

Martin Chautari, Nepal

Partner Institutions

Kathmandu University, School of Education, Nepal

Aarhus University, Department of Education, Denmark

Project Duration

January 2015 – December 2019

Funded by

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

Total Grant 

DKK 9,551,017

KU Budget

DKK 1,141,967


About the Project

This project “Locating Public Finance Dynamics in Education in Nepal” is funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and covers a period of five years (January 2015–December 2019). The main objective of this project is to enhance the understandings of the dynamics associated with the flows and usages of public finances within the school education sector in Nepal. It proposes a historically situated, grounded, multi-disciplinary study to understand how education institutions and their fiscal dimensions have been comprehended and appropriated in practice by differently situated social actors in a time of political transformation. The education sector, which receives the largest government and donor budgetary allocations and has undergone significant decentralization reforms, serves as a useful window through which public financial governance and the framing and understandings of corruption in Nepal can be understood during a protracted socio-political transition. The project is led by Martin Chautari (a nonstate research institution in Nepal) in collaboration with Kathmandu University, Nepal and Aarhus University, Denmark.

Project Objectives

The main objective of this project is to enhance understandings of causes of corruption within school education sector in Nepal by analyzing the manner in which differently located social actors interpret meanings and measure moral and legal claims, practices and behaviors tied to corruption in the context of local standards and practices. Specific objectives include:

  1. Enhancing understandings of causes of corruption within the school education sector in Nepal;
  2. Providing policy recommendations to improve public fiscal governance in the education sector; and,
  3. Identifying and building local capacity for research by providing training and support of PhD students, enumerators, survey staff and in-house researchers.

Expected Outputs

Expected project outputs include four PhD dissertations, a number of journal articles, three edited volumes and four policy briefs. Outcomes include-generation of new empirical knowledge, enhanced engagement with policy community, and strengthen research capacity.

Principal Researchers

Pratyoush Onta

Martin Chautari, Nepal

 Prof. Mahesh Nath Parajuli

Kathmandu University, School of Education, Nepal

Prof. Karen Valentin

Aarhus University, Department of Education, Denmark