DFC Project Researchers at KUSOED

Prof. Mahesh Nath Parajuli, PhD, Principal Researcher, Kathmandu University

Prof Mahesh Nath Parajuli is the Dean of the School of Education, Kathmandu University, Nepal.  He has over 30 years of experience of working in education and development, mainly in the government ministry and in the academia. As the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Journal of Education and Research, he has earned international reputation for educational research. He has published several articles in national and international journals and book chapters on different aspects of education and development. Areas of his expertise include education sociology, development studies, gender studies and feminism, policy and planning, and research methods.  One of his foremost interest areas is studying education processes in relation to several other processes of the society.  Specifically, his interest is in understanding how education interplays with other social processes like politics, economy, culture, etc. and how during such interplaying education contributes to or influences those processes and how education, in turn, is influenced by those processes.  These understandings, he believes, very much contributes to social transformation process.

Prakash C. Bhattarai, PhD, Associate Researcher, Kathmandu University

Prakash C Bhattarai, PhD, is the Coordinator (Assistant Professor) at Department of Educational Leadership and Development Studies. He received 2015 Paul Begley Award from the Consortium for the Study of Leadership and Ethics in Education (CSLEE), USA. He also received the Highly Commended Award of the 2015 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards from Emerald Publication, UK. He teaches research and development and carries out researches in the diverse areas of education and social sciences. After his Master’s degree in 2002, he has been working as a faculty, project evaluator, researcher and trainer in several international and national organizations. Some of his many experiences in the field of writing and presentations emanate from his diverse work experiences. He has keen interests in anti-corruption, integrity, ethics, ethical leadership, educational and societal reforms, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), and mixed methods research.


Suresh Gautam, PhD, Associate Researcher, Kathmandu University

Suresh Gautam, completed PhD in 2017 from Kathmandu University School of Education. He has been working as a Lecturer in the same School since 2016. His research interest focuses on adult and youth education and learning. He enjoys using innovative approaches so as to use and advocate the transformative research practices.