Guidelines for Online Teaching and Learning

The present-day world is suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic and so is Nepal. This situation has badly affected the life and living of the people. Governments around the world are using the measure of lockdown to prevent the spread of the disease. In Nepal, it is now more than two weeks that all educational institutions are closed and we do not know how long this situation would continue and how long we should remain locked in our homes. As a result, millions of school-going children and youth are unable to attend their schools and colleges. As life goes on in any situation, so is the process of learning. We can remain locked inside our houses but the educational processes cannot remain so. Kathmandu University School of Education is proud that just within two to three days of the government announcement of closing down all educational institutes in the country, it could begin classes in online mode. Thanks to technology and thanks to our students, faculty, and staff who have expressed their commitment to continue teaching and learning amidst obstacles. Our available infrastructure, the readiness of the faculties, and enthusiastic response from the students is very much important here. In light of this new beginning of online classes or learning sessions, this document is prepared to facilitate the students and faculty and to provide some basic guidelines to them. These online classes are to be considered regular face-to-face classes and will be a part of the total credit hours required for completing the course.

Available Learning Resources

Steps to create Google meeting (For Faculties)

Steps to join the Google meeting (For students)

Guidelines for Students

Guidelines for Faculties