Guidelines for Students

Because of Corona-crisis, we all are in a difficult situation.  We very much appreciate the efforts you have been making to participate in online classes.  Here are some guidelines for you for participating in online classes in a meaningful way:

  • The School is aware of the problems some of our students are facing due to the present corona crisis. Poor internet connection, electricity outage, etc. are common.  We appreciate your motivation and interest in participating in online classes even amidst challenges.  We request you to stay in close contact with your respective faculties and HOD/Program Coordinator, particularly if you are feeling difficulties.  This would help us identify the ways, together with you, to support you academically.
  • The use of Moodle as a Learning Management System is mandatory.
  • Be clear that these online classes are part of the total credit hours required to complete the course. In case you are not able to participate in the class, inform your course faculty and the HOD/Program Coordinator.  Depending upon your reason for being unable to participate, they might decide to arrange an alternative learning opportunity for you.
  • Ensure that you have good internet connectivity and good equipment (computer).
  • Your active participation in learning sessions is very important. Contribute to make the class live, interactive, sharing, and learning-oriented.
  • Be a self-learner. You are the main actors in the learning process.  Faculties are there just for the supportive role.
  • Always be supportive and friendly to all your classmates irrespective of their background. Be careful of words/language you use.
  • Wear a normal dress while participating in the online class. Avoid shorts.
  • Respect your faculties.
  • Feel free to share your ideas which might not in line with the faculties.
  • Plagiarism (copying others’ and own work inappropriately and without giving credit to the original authors/artists) is a serious crime. You should not be submitting the same work, or largely the same work, as your assignment to two different faculties.  If any of your work submitted to your faculty is found plagiarized, you will get an ‘F’, meaning failed.  Depending upon the seriousness of plagiarizing, one might even be expelled from the program/university.
  • Submit your assignments timely or even before the deadline. This would allow you to rework and improve your work.  If some in-semester assessments are planned as in-class tests (virtual class), never miss the test.  You might not get a second chance to give the missed test.
  • As a student you should be fulfilling all the requirements as per the rule of the University or of the School (eg: submitting all the required documents, filling and submitting different forms (registration, course registration at the beginning of each semester, etc)
  • You are entitled to get different academic and administrative support. You should be getting proper and timely feedback on your work.  At times, you could also request individual support.  No one should be abusing or harassing you on any ground.  If you feel you are not getting the support you don’t need to feel any hesitation to complain, first to your HOD/Program Coordinator, and then to the Dean.
  • We are sorry that the library service is not available during these days. This is because our library is not yet online.  Many of our administrative and financial services are also not available because they are also not online.
  • You are also requested to point out shortcomings and suggest improvements. Many things are new to all of us.  We are also learning.  Your patience and suggestions are thus important to address the present challenge.