About Project

Project Theme: Education and trainning

Project Title: Enhancing access, quality, and sustainability of teacher training/professional development of teachers using ICTs and distance delivery modes [NORHED-QUANTICT]

Development Goal/Intended Impact on Society:  

To provide access, quality, and relevance of higher education in Nepal.

Project Partners

Tribhuvan University (TU), Kathmandu University (KU) and Oslo and Akershus University College for Applied Science (HiOA) [Currently - Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)]

Project Implementing Units 

  • TU - Central Department of Education, University Campus, Kirtipur
  • KU - Kathmandu University School of Education
  • OsloMet - Faculty of Education and International Studies

 Initial Project Duration:  2013-2018 Funding Agency:

Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)

Grant Program:

Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED)

Total Budget: 16 mill. NOK

Project Goal (Purpose/Intended Outcomes):

  1. The capacity of educators to deliver master's programs via ODL is achieved.
  2. Faculty members have upgraded their academic qualifications
  3. The capacity of non-teaching staff/institutions in order to facilitate the delivery of ODL teaching is achieved
  4. Existing curricula are adjusted for distance mode
  5. New courses are developed and approved for distance education modes (KU)
  6. The programs are relevant regards social inclusion, indigenous knowledge, and diverse contexts
  7. Infrastructures and ICT facilities in the campuses are installed and operative
  8. Access and participation of female teachers and disadvantaged groups are made mandatory in all program components
  9. Research including action research is established for capacity building
  10. Transparent financial management is in accordance with NORHED requirements