Master in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (MTVET)
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) has been recognized as a powerful tool for national development as well as for decent jobs for individuals leading towards a quality life. At the same time, the sector has been described as integral for the development of the workforce necessary for improving production and service sector in any country. Realizing these potentials, countries around the world have been investing for the growth of the sector. At the international level also efforts are being carried out for strengthening TVET.
In countries like Nepal the TVET sector has not been able to thrive and make anticipated contribution. Such dreams are still far away reality for many developing countries. There might be several reasons for such low performance of the sector including low economic activity and thus lack of job, low quality of education particularly in the TVET sector, lack of leadership and management capability, and so on. Hence, it has become essential that interventions be made in the sector so that it could contribute to national development process as expected. One such area of intervention that has become very much necessary is to develop the human resource capacity of the sector focusing on educational as well as on socioeconomic aspects. Master in Technical and Vocational Education (MTVET) in Kathmandu University, School of Education is an effort towards this direction.
The rationale of this program is established with growing TVET interventions in Nepal and in many other countries. Talking about Nepal, investment in the sector has increased substantially in recent years. Recent government policies have highly emphasized the development of the sector and has been introducing several programs in the sector. One such policy is TVET as one of the streams at secondary level. Likewise, private sector investment in TVET has also been growing. It is obvious that competent human resource is one of the key conditions for effective functioning of TVET in secondary education. Need for human resource development is not only for education sector but for other sectors as well. Growing activities of production and service sector in the country have been creating demand on skilled and competent human resource. International development partners working in Nepal are also active and accordingly making investment in the sector and are planning for more investment in the future.
Federalization of the country that created 753 rural and urban municipalities with constitutional right to plan, implement, and mange developmental activities within their jurisdiction, including school level education (TVET also) is going to build immense demand of skilled human resource. All these development provide strong rationale for initiating Master in Technical and Vocational Education (MTVET) in School of Education, Kathmandu University. Several rounds of formal and informal discussion with government and with private sector as well as with prospective students have established that such a program is an urgently felt need.
A systematic research was also conducted to see the feasibility of such program which reported a very positive response on the need of such program.
MTVET Courses by Semester
2023 Revision
Theory and Practice in Education
Statistical Methods for TVET
Principles and Theories of Education and Work
Sociological Perspectives of Work and Occupation
Curriculum Development in TVET
TVET Administration and Leadership
Public Policy and TVET Governance
Principles and Practices of Human Resource Development
Entrepreneurship, Start-ups, and Enterprises Development
Economics and Financing of TVET
Quality Assurance and Program Evaluation in TVET
Assessment and Measurement
Instructional Design and Delivery in TVET
Dissertation OR
Research Project II
*Students must select either the Research Project I and II or theDissertation
For more details please see the document section: