Published Date: 2020-04-28, Tuesday
The 10th series of the annual event of the Turbine Testing Lab at KU, "Current Research in Hydropower Technologies, CRHT-X" has been organized by web-based methods.
This event which was scheduled on 31 March 2020 was postponed due to COVID-19. After investigation and discussions on the several available options, the Web Release of CRHT-X page with all the presentation was selected. As KU has decided to resume all the possible activities through online methods, this was the best option.
The complete web program can be found in the following link:
There are 36 video presentations in the web-based mode for this event including 30 technical presentations, the welcome speech from the VC and 12 international presentations. After a peer-review process, the selected papers are provisioned to be published in the IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series.\A video conference was organized on 28th April to mark the release of this web page. The event was attended by the KU officials, International participants from 5 different countries, keynote speakers, authors of papers, journalists, and general audience.
Following is the link to the 'Web Release of CRHT-X' event.
This is one of its kind activities for KU and Nepal. The experiences of successful completion of this event have added motivation and confidence to move towards online leaching learning methods at KU.