Published Date: 2017-12-19, Tuesday
Dr. Rabindra Bista, Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DoCSE), participated in the 11th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management & Applications (SKIMA 2017), 6-8 December, 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka. He also chaired one of the Technical Sessions of the conference. Following four papers have been presented in the SKIMA 2017 from the DoCSE, School of Engineering, Kathmandu University.A New Approach for Software Risk Estimation: Rabindra Bista, Sushama Karki, Deeyoranjan Dongol Hybrid Approach to Java Virtual Machine Used in Wireless Sensor Networks: Rabindra Bista and Sapan Aryal A New Approach to Extract Meaningful Clinical Information From Medical Notes: Rabindra Bista, and Awanish Ranjan Keystroke Biometric System for Touch Screen Text Input on Android Devices Prakash Gautam and Pankaj Dawadi
Above all four papers are based on the respective Master’s thesis of Ms. Sushama Karki, Mr. Sapan Aryal, Awanish Ranjan, and Mr. Prakash Gautam.