Published Date: 2019-07-02, Tuesday
The National Tree Plantation Program 2076 is celebrated by planting tree samplings in the premise of Kathmandu University (KU), Dhulikhel on 14 Asar 2076. The tree plantation program is coordinated by the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering (DESE), School of Science, KU. The Head of the Department, Dr. Rijan Bhakta Kayastha, Dean of School of Science, Prof. Dr. Kanhaiya Jha, Director of Research, Development and Consultancy (RDC, KU), Prof. Dr. Deepak Subedi, students of Nature and Social Concern Society (NSCS-DESE, KU) and Forum for Environment Conservation and Management (FECAM-DESE, KU), other KU faculties and staff planted 300 tree sapling on the day. The department would like to thank to all who are present in the program and Physical Facility-KU and Centre for Educational Design (CED-KU) who helped to this program and Community Forest, Budol, Kavre who provided us tree saplings. We will continue such plantation program throughout the year and expect the similar help in future too. All planted tree sapling will be taken care by KU.