Published Date: 2018-09-10, Monday
Call for potential business ideas
Energize Nepal announces the call for the potential business ideas in the field of energy sector.
Energize Nepal helps, motivates, provides support, resources and services to the chosen ideas to develop into your own business company.
The innovative and potential ideas shall be chosen on the basis of submitted application, followed by the presentations. Energize Nepal may invest in the business up to 20% of total capital of company not exceeding NPR 5,00,000.00.
We highly encourage the students/researchers/alumni/individual inventors of Kathmandu University to submit their plan or ideas in the given format.
For any queries, please contact Energize Nepal Project Office, at 1st floor of Block No. 14, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, during working hours.
Date of announcement: 09 September, 2018
Deadline of application submission: 30 September, 2018
Download the application form.