Published Date: 2016-07-17, Sunday
This is for the general information of all concerned researchers/project staff with reference to the statement 2.4 of the RDC Policy Guidelines and Procedures 2015 that a project is considered closed as soon as the final financial and technical reports are accepted by the Funding Agency. No additional monetary claim by project staff is allowed as soon as the project is closed. Principal Investigators of all the projects reported completed on or before April 2015 are in this context informed to approach the Office of the Registrar, Directorate of Research, Development & Consultancy (RDC) based in Central Office, Dhulikhel with an application for project closing or any discrepancies on or before 30 July 2016, following which a certificate of successful accomplishment of the project shall be furnished to the Principal Investigator (s) by the undersigned. No grievances of any kinds shall be entertained failing to submit the application within due date as specified herein.
For a list of the earlier projects undertaken, reference can be made to Archive in selected on the basis of duration of five years. It will be highly appreciated if PIs would kindly submit electronic copies of the technical and financial details for the purpose of record keeping.
Signed by: Prof. Dr. Subodh Sharma
Director of Research, Development & Consultancy (RDC)